Hi. I’m Matt.
You’re reading this because you’re curious. That’s good. I’m curious too. I’m curious about your story. Your questions. The ones you might only ask a stranger.
Questions like:
“How do I keep from getting murdered?” It’s a REALLY good story. You should read it.
“What should we do about this whole Somali pirate situation?” It turns out, YOU might have been a pirate all along.
“How do I keep my mind sharp?” One of the most important of all the moments.
And we talk.
And a lot of the time, the people who ask me questions leave feeling different than they did before.
A lot of the time, they leave with a knowing – an answer to something they didn’t mean to ask.
I help people find creative approaches to whatever they have been thinking about.
What have you been thinking about?
“Matthew is a crazy genius, and he’s more human than most anyone I know. Working with him is like stepping into a 3D blank canvas where we get to create and color life itself over and over. His insight and ability to truly and deeply listen have helped spur me to become the man I am today.”
– Dan Doty, Founder of Evryman
As seen on:

“What can I say about my conversation with Matt? It wasn’t coaching, and there was no advice-giving, but it was as eye opening and heart expanding as any coaching/mentoring experience I’ve ever had, and it kinda knocked my socks off.
I had no idea what I was getting into, but someone I respect recommended him, saying he was kind of a “modern mystic” who would “help you see roads where there were previously walls.” I was shoulder deep in a major business re-focus, so I was game for a little of that.
In about 20 minutes on the phone – after doing what I thought was blahblahblahing about a variety of random topics – Matt tossed out an observation about a theme he saw running through these otherwise unrelated concerns of mine. A theme that got to the heart of my work in a way I’d never articulated it.
How did I not see it? He was spot on. As seemingly effortlessly as he unearthed this bit of gold in me, he told me I might want to start articulating it a bit more because it was a huge part of my “medicine”. He also tossed out an idea for a program I could offer down the road.
As I said: socks. knocked. off.
If you’re at a crossroads, stuck in a little internal muck, or feeling tossed about by too. many. thoughts. and. things. to. do., you might want to talk to Matt. If your experience is anything like mine, you will feel seen, supported, set astir, and just a little bit stunned. The guy has some serious magic.”
– Deb Cooperman, DebCooperman.com